Seo Yoo-ri reveals ex-husband Choi Byung-gil→Did she find a new love "Something a little like V"?

Voice actress and broadcaster Seo Yuri, who has continued her revelations about her ex-husband Choi Byung-gil PD, has hinted at a new relationship.

On February 2, Seo Yuri posted a post on her social media saying, "Something about Somnam (BTS) V looks a little bit like him." A somnam is a man who is in a good relationship before dating.

Seoyuri also wrote, "I'm exhausted. Don't worry. I'm going to live a really good life. I'll grow my eyes for people, surround myself with good people, enjoy a little happiness, and do what I want to do. No matter what anyone says," which attracted attention.

Seo Yuri and PD Choi Byung Gil announced their divorce in March 2019 after five years of marriage. They have no children together.

But since then, Seo Yoo-ri has continued to reveal that PD Choi said things like, "I borrowed 600 million won and was left with 300 million won in debt," and "I wanted to have a child, but he told me to go with another man."

On the other hand, Choi PD has said that most of the allegations are "untrue" and that he has filed for personal bankruptcy for his financial problems.