'Welcome to Korea' Greek food expedition, fish cake in Busan's canned market → Multeok

Greek friends discover the specialties of Busan's canned food market

On the 4th episode of MBC Every1's "Welcome to Korea", a food tour of Greek friends visiting Bupyeong canned market will be aired.

Greek friends visit Bupyeong canned market in Busan with their guide Alexandros. As Alexandros wanted to show them the traditional alleyways, the friends are busy exploring the exotic Korean traditional market, including vegetable shops and clothing stores. Disguised as a food expedition, they eat a variety of market foods, including Busan's signature fish cake and multeok.

The friends' search for another market food catches their eye: a new specialty of the market. The MCs were also thrilled by the appearance of a food they had never seen before. After eating the food, which is the epitome of crunch, they fell in love with the first bite, dipped the sauce that came with it, and emptied their plates in a trance. MC Kim Jun-hyun was surprised by the appearance of the newspaper, which was not in his food dictionary, and promised to travel to Busan to receive the food video, causing the studio to laugh. In response, MC Lee Hyun-i is also curious about the specialties of the canned market, which he has shown intense interest in in anticipation of his visit to Seoul.

Meanwhile, the friends who were eating fried food start to feel a bit of a chill in the air. "Too spicy, too spicy," they say, and they recruit a staff member to help them carry out a covert hidden camera operation.

Find out who will win the hidden camera prize in Welcome to Korea.