Spider signs with Amoeba Culture...joining dynamic duo

The Singer Spider joins Amoebaculture.

On the 17th, Amoebaculture announced, "We have recently signed an exclusive contract with Gummy. We sincerely welcome Gummy's new challenge and will actively support his various musical and performance activities."

The dynamic duo have a long-standing relationship with Amoeba Culture, having both appeared as guests on each other's concerts and programs. It will be interesting to see what kind of musical synergy Spider will continue to develop with Amoeba Culture.

Loved for her distinctive husky voice and deep appeal, Gummy has been one of Korea's leading R&B vocalists for more than 20 years since her debut in 2003. She has a number of hits including "I Wish We Could Have Been Friends," "Memory Loss," "Adult Child," and "Sorry," and is also known as an "OST goddess" through various OSTs such as "Remember All My Days and Times" and "Gourmet Green Moonlight.

In addition, she delivers even greater emotions live by holding solo concerts and national tours every year. This year, she successfully held a small theater concert, "Hidden Track," and is currently touring various music festivals.

We are looking forward to seeing what kind of well-made music and performances Spider will bring to the audience as they take on another new challenge by joining Amoeba Culture.

Amoeba Culture also includes a dynamic duo (Gaeko and Choi Ja), as well as talented hip-hop-R&B musicians such as SOLE, THAMA, Huh, and Padi.