Hwang Jung-eum claims 9 billion civil suit against 'Divorce' Lee Young-don

Actress Hwang Jung-eum has filed a civil lawsuit to recover money she lent to her husband, professional golfer Lee Young-don, who is in the midst of divorce proceedings, according to claims.

On the 25th, on the YouTube channel 'Entertainment President Lee Jin Ho', YouTuber Lee Jin Ho said that her conflict with her husband, which began with infidelity, has spread beyond marital issues to financial issues, stating, "Hwang Jung-eum has filed a civil lawsuit against her husband to return 900 million won."

According to the YouTuber, Hwang lent her husband more than 900 million won through a private entity, and when it became unclear how she would get the money back during the divorce process, she filed the lawsuit.

The YouTuber also reported that Hwang Jung-eum has struggled to secure a settlement after being accused by an unrelated woman of being Lee Young-don's adulteress. The settlement has been reached several times, and the amount of the settlement is not a small amount, but Hwang Jung-eum has no cash available at the moment, she said in the broadcast.

Hwang's representatives have not commented on the matter.

Hwang Jung-eum revealed in February that she and Lee Young-don are in the midst of divorce proceedings. The reason for the divorce was reportedly Lee's infidelity. Later, Hwang Jung-eum released a photo of a woman named A on social media, claiming that she was Young-don's affair partner, but A turned out to be unrelated to Young-don.

The reason for the divorce