UA fulfills a dream four years after debut...holds first fan concert


The group WOOAH will hold a fan concert for the first time since their debut.

WOOAH will hold a fan concert, "WOOAH - LAND," on July 20 at Yes24 Live Hall in Gwangjin-gu, Seoul.

'WOOAH - LAND' will be WooA's first fan concert since their debut, and will feature a variety of stages and special events that can only be seen at this event.

UA has consistently mentioned a fan concert as a goal that they want to achieve before 2024, and now, four years after their debut, they have achieved it. UA is reportedly working hard on preparing for the fan concert alongside her comeback activities to give her fans special memories.

UA recently released her second mini album, "UNFRAMED," two months after her comeback. With the title track "POM POM POM," UA, who established herself as a 'Generation Z icon' with her hip and lively styling and plump performance in her previous album "BLUSH," is showing off her outstanding conceptual skills, which are 180 degrees different from her past activities.


Meanwhile, UA's first fan concert 'UA - Land' will be held on July 20 at 2pm and 7pm.