Wed, Jun 26, 2024

'Be nice to me' Lee Yoo-young is an empathy overload trigger

Treat me badly

Lee Yoo-young has become an empathy overload trigger.

In the KBS2 Monday-Tuesday drama 'Treat Me Carelessly,' Lee Yoo Young (played by Kim Hong Do) is amplifying her charm to infinity with her reality-reflecting acting.

In the drama, Kim Hong Do (Lee Yoo Young) captured attention from the beginning with her realistic portrayal of office workers' lives. Kim Hong-do, who called herself Musuri and worked as a designer's assistant, lived a life where she was bullied by coworkers and designers from the inside and by celebrities from the outside. Unreasonable treatment and the inability to speak up even if it was unfair, represented the situation of a peripheral employee who believes that patience is a virtue, and resonated with many office workers.

Hongdo Kim never let go of her dream of becoming a designer. She collected inspirational items, never stopped sketching designs, self-promoted her products on social media, and took feedback to heart. As if her hard work didn't betray her, Camille (Bae Jong-ok), who leads a global fashion brand, recognized her abilities and values and scouted her as a designer for the brand. The reversal of Kim Hong-do's life was a message to never lose your dreams because hard work pays off.

Hongdo Kim's career was on a solid path, but love was still a bumpy road. Scarred by her ex-boyfriend's double leg, Kim Hong-do fell in love with Shin Yoon-bok, whom she reunited with after a long time. Only Shin Yoon-bok could make her feel like herself, but she was afraid of breaking this relationship, so she didn't dare to tell him. At the same time, Kim Hong-do, who attaches meaning to each of Shin Yoon-bok's gestures, eyes, and words, or taps her foot uncontrollably because her heart is beating, shows unrequited love syndrome and cannot move beyond the priestly relationship.

However, when Shin Yoon-bok was having a hard time with his family affairs, he would drink with him, and when it was raining, he would put an umbrella around him to protect him from catching a cold. He also helped him broaden his horizons by experiencing various places he had never been and eating foods he had never tried. Kim Hong-do was a person who could look at people without prejudice, silently stroke the hearts of others who were struggling, and share happiness twice and sadness in half, and her sincerity soaked Shin Yoon-bok from head to toe.

And so it was.

Hong-do's warm heart disarms Shin Yoon-bok, and the two become lovers, and Hong-do is having the happiest time of his life, winning both work and love. The spectacular Kim Hong-do has been a lot of fun to watch as he has been making us cheer for him and now envy him, so he will continue to be 'Kim Hong-do-like'.

The 11th episode of 'Treat Me Carelessly', where you can meet the lovely Kim Hong Do himself, Lee Yoo Young, will be broadcast on the 17th at 10:10 pm.