Wed, Jun 26, 2024

K.Will, musical 'The Great Comet' closes → New album 'All the Way' released

Vocalist K.will has completed his final performance of the musical The Great Comet.

According to his agency, Starship Entertainment, K.will wrapped up his three-month journey with the musical "Great Comet" with a performance at the Universal Arts Center in Seoul on the 15th.

KWILL said via Starship Entertainment, "It's a great honor to be a part of 'Great Comet' from its premiere to its revival. It was a happy time during the past three months of performances, and thanks to the actors and staff who appeared with me, I was able to complete the performance safely," he said. "Above all, I would like to say thank you to the audience and fans who supported us and came to see the performance, and I would like to say hello to you through many works in the future."

In addition, K.Will said, "I also announced the news of my comeback after six years, and my seventh mini album 'All The Way' will be released on the 20th, so please give me a lot of attention and love." He also encouraged interest in the new album.

All the Way

The Great Comet is an immersive musical based on the story of Tolstoy's classic War and Peace, reimagined by acclaimed American composer and playwright Dave Malloy. Playing the role of 'Pierre', a wealthy aristocrat who wanders away from society, depressed and skeptical, Kaywill played the accordion and piano himself, conveying emotions to the audience and showing the essence of the wandering character.

Kaywill, who has played Pierre since the premiere of The Great Comet, drew the audience in with his nuanced portrayal of the character's transformation. His strong vocal performance and flawless instrumental performance left a lasting impression, and we're already looking forward to his next project.

KWILL, who previously gained attention for his roles as Kwazimodo in Notre Dame de Paris in 2016 and 2018, won the Rookie of the Year Award at the 11th Daegu International Musical Festival (DIMF) for his performance.

KWILL finished his performance as Pierre (aka :keer) in the musical "The Great Comet" with much support, and he is preparing to release his new album "All The Way" on the 20th.