Wed, Jun 26, 2024

'Kwak Knight 2' Kwak Jun-bin enters the real life scene

Kwak Junbin's World Knight's Restaurant 2

'Kwak Junbin's World Knight's Restaurant 2' is the latest in a series of upgraded local experiences in Uzbekistan.

In the first episode of 'Kwak Jun-bin's World Knight Restaurant 2' (hereinafter referred to as 'Kwak Knight 2'), which was broadcast on the 15th, the dynamic day of Kwak Jun-bin's debut as a taxi driver in Uzbekistan attracted attention. The vivid challenges of Kwak Jun-bin, who has been in the shoes of a customer, provided even more powerful entertainment.

On arrival at Tashkent International Airport in Uzbekistan, Kwak quickly haggled for a taxi to take him to his hotel. But things got off to an unusual start when the taxi driver brought his younger brother and the two suddenly started arguing with each other, creating a sitcom-like situation.

On the other hand, Kwak Jun-bin, who tried his hand at being a taxi driver for the first time in Uzbekistan, had the pleasure of meeting various customers on the rough roads of Uzbekistan. His first customer was a family of twins, but he fumbled his way through his first sale, which made for some hilarious moments. Next, Kwak Junbin met a quiet customer who asked for a restaurant recommendation and naturally led the conversation. He also received a gift from a customer who refused to accept change for the novice driver, which added to his warmth.

In addition, Kwak Jun-bin hailed a taxi in the middle of the meal to hastily pack up the food and move on, but he apologized to an angry customer who was late because of a traffic jam caused by construction, and the salty episode made us feel the realism of "Kwak Knight 2" once again. At the terminal, where a celebration for winning a taekwondo competition was held, the team had the good sense to use taekwondo-related ideas to attract customers. Junbin Kwak showed his affection for the customers who won medals in the tournament by buying them snacks and not charging them for the service.

The show also featured a feast of local favorites that made viewers salivate. Among the taxi driver's recommendations was a traditional soup called kuja shurba, which Kwak Jun-bin had never seen before. After tasting kuja shurba and lagman, which is similar to Uzbek Neapolitan pasta, he said, "I've been traveling a lot since season 1, but I haven't been to a restaurant that tastes this good in a long time." In the first guest recommendation of the series, Kwakgi tasted samsa and gave it a thumbs up, saying it was crispy on the outside and moist on the inside.

Finishing the day with chicken back at the hostel after the taxi business, Kwak said that although he had been to Uzbekistan often, it was a "really different experience." "When we met as guests and then as knights, I realized, 'The life of a knight is not as easy as I thought it was,'" he said. This, coupled with the kindness of the customers, made it "a perfect first trip." It will be interesting to see how this experience as a taxi driver will influence Kwak's future journeys using different modes of transportation.

The premiere video of the first episode of "Junbin's World Knight's Restaurant 2" became a top trending video on YouTube, demonstrating the high level of buzz. 'Junbin Kwak's World Knight Restaurant 2' will be broadcast simultaneously on EBS and ENA every Saturday evening at 8:05pm.