Lee Soon-jae "Juniors, if you float in one drama, hang on to it" (Newsroom)

Actor Lee Soon-jae gave stinging advice to his juniors.

On the evening broadcast of JTBC's 'Newsroom' on the 30th, senior actor Lee Soon-jae appeared.

On this day, Lee Soon-jae said to his juniors, "I didn't have to talk about it because everything is going well these days, but not long ago, if you do it, there are two kinds of friends: those who do it correctly and those who do it healthily."

However, Lee Soon-jae said, "But there are many actors who can't do it for life. They do it once and then it's over. Because they settle at that moment." "If we get a good drama, we float. If it's good, we're attached to it. We hang on to it. We try to make a life out of it. That's it, that's it. Then, because it's a completely different role, you have to change and start anew to make a different role, but there were friends who hung on to it."

Lee Soon-jae also said, "It's strictly because the seniors are showing the mold in front of them that they have to watch and follow." He added, "Otherwise, they can't survive there, so they can't swear, sleep, or do anything. If we learn to do everything as a model, they will come and follow, and good actors will start to come out from there."