Brand New Music "Ends Exclusive Contract with Han Donggeun, Sincerely Cheers for the Future"

Han Dong-geun has left Brand New Music.

On the 1st, the agency Brand New Music announced through an official statement, "The exclusive contract with our artist Han Dong Geun has been terminated."

They continued, "We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Han Donggeun. We would like to thank all of our fans for their support, and we ask for your continued interest and support in his future endeavors as he embarks on his solo career."

Finally, "We will always sincerely support Han Donggeun's future as he makes a new start."

Below is the full official statement from Brand New Music

Hello, Brand New Music.

We would like to inform you that the exclusive contract with our artist Han Donggeun has been terminated.

Han Dong-geun, who produced the hit songs 'I'm Trying to Rewrite the End of This Novel' and 'The Luxury of Being You', signed an exclusive contract with Brand New Music in 2019, starting with a relationship with Brand New Music CEO Reimer, and

Since then, we have been working on numerous projects for about five years based on mutual trust.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Han Donggeun for believing in us and working with us during that time.

We would like to thank all of our fans for their support, and we would like to ask for your continued interest and support for Han Donggeun as he embarks on his solo career.

We will always sincerely support Han Donggeun's future as he embarks on a new start.

Thank you.