Couples in 'marriage hell' split half and half, from maternity leave pay to birthday gifts

'Oh Eun Young Report - Marriage Hell' features the classic couple of 'half-and-half marriage'

On MBC's 'Oh Eun Young Report - Marriage Hell' (hereinafter referred to as 'Marriage Hell'), broadcast on July 1 at 10:45 p.m., a 'contract couple' who have a 'half-and-half marriage', which is the latest trend in marriage, will appear.

'Half-and-half marriage' means that all money and time for marriage, from wedding preparation to housework, childcare, and living expenses, are divided 50/50. The MCs, including Dr. Oh Eun-young, exchange their opinions on 'half-and-half marriage'.

The 'contract couple', whose conflict deepened due to 'half-and-half marriage', knocked on the door of 'Oh Eun-young Report - Marriage Hell', reveals their 'half-and-half daily life'. When the husband comes home from work, the wife goes out to exercise and the husband does housework. When she comes home, he goes to the gym and she does the housework, a so-called "baton-touch" life.

The MCs reacted positively to the strict 50/50 division of household chores and personal time, saying, "It's good," and "It's a good division of labor." In addition, when they shop for groceries together and use a 'joint bankbook', an example of a 'half-and-half marriage' is clearly visible.

Even beyond the half-and-half routine, everyone is shocked to see that 'parental leave expenses' and 'birthday gifts' are included in the half-and-half marriage. The contracting couple, who seem to be busy calculating only their own profits and losses, always take out the 'Marriage Agreement' and write new items whenever they have a dispute over big or small events. Dr. Oh explores the reasons why the couple keeps writing the agreement and delivers a stinging jab.

In addition, the couple leaves 'evidence' whenever they have an argument. "We always have different accounts of the same event when we talk," the husband confessed, explaining why he keeps evidence. MC Park Ji-min commented, "It seems like they are both preparing for a divorce," as the couple is forced to check the facts through evidence. Dr. Oh Eun Young, who heard all of the couple's stories, reportedly did not give them a healing report after much deliberation.