Heo Woong's side "Yoo Hye Won and I are not lovers, we are just friends"

Heo Woong, a basketball player for the Busan KCC Aegis, has denied rumors of a romance with influencer Yoo Hye-won.

On the 27th, an official from Heo Woong's side told SportsToday, "After checking with the player himself, it is true that the two of them are close, but they are not lovers."

Earlier in the day, Sports Chosun reported that Heo Woong and Yoo Hye-won are in a relationship.

Yoo Hye-won has been the center of attention after winning the Big Bang victory and being embroiled in several romance rumors. In 2018, 2020, and 2023, rumors of a romance surfaced, and Yoo Hye Won's camp responded by saying, "It's an actor's private life."

He Woong is the son of Heo Jae, who was dubbed the "Basketball President," and the older brother of Heo Hoon. Heo Woong recently filed a complaint against his ex-girlfriend, A, and the alleged perpetrator, B, for attempted extortion, intimidation, violation of the Act on Punishment of Stalking Crimes, and violation of the Act on Drug Control. "After I broke up with my ex-girlfriend, I was subjected to constant money demands and threats for three years. I have suffered for a long time and cannot bear it anymore, so I have decided to take this step to hold them legally responsible."