K-comedy star Lee Sung-min sells out of 'Handsome Guys' in Korea

The movie "Handsome Guys," starring actors Lee Sung-min and Lee Hee-joon, has sold out in Asia, proving the power of K-comedies.

The movie was released in Asia.

'Handsome Guys' is a comic drama about Jae-pil and Sang-gu, who dream of a peaceful countryside life, but end up moving into a haunted house. The movie has pre-sold in North America, as well as Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Taiwan, Cambodia, Malaysia, Brunei, Vietnam, Japan, Hong Kong, Macau, India, Mongolia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Thailand.

The sold-out run of "Handsome Guys" in Asia proves that the region is paying attention to the K-comedy genre. In particular, the sales record follows the official invitation to the 57th Sitges Film Festival in competition, and the film is continuing its global expansion.

It is also noteworthy that countries have decided to showcase Handsome Guys in their own countries. "Over the past few years, Korean films have gained more recognition and gained a wider audience, and we hope that this unique comedy with fun characters and a supernatural twist will be fresh to Indonesian audiences," said CGV Indonesia, raising curiosity about the local response.

Taiwan (Moviecloud) noted the "unique concept and excellent production quality," while Cambodia (Westec Media) expressed excitement for the "unique and entertaining production, as well as the charm of a comedy movie." Japan (Rightscube) said, "The performances of Lee Sung-min and Lee Hee-joon are noteworthy."

"Handsome Guys" opened in South Korea on Nov. 26, and debuted at No. 4 at the box office.