'Ex-Girlfriend Gongbang' Heo Woong "The late Lee Sun-gyun, unrelated to the case...Sorry for mentioning"

Basketball player Heo Wong has once again defused his personal life controversy.

"I sincerely apologize to the public and my fans for the distress caused by my affairs over the past few days," Heo said in a statement from his agency, adding, "The allegations made by the other party are not true, and I am actively cooperating with the investigative agencies."

"I would like to reveal the truth through the results of the investigation rather than responding to the other party's factual claims one by one," he said, adding, "I will not make any further statements, but will summarize my position to the public when the results of the investigation come out." He also apologized to the late Lee Sun-gyun, his family, and fans, who have been summoned again.

On March 27, Heo Woong, through his lawyer Kim Dong-hyung, filed a complaint against the perpetrators with the Gangnam Police Station in Seoul, accusing them of attempted extortion, blackmail, violation of the Punishment of Stalking Crimes Act, and violation of the Narcotics Control Act. Heo met A in 2018 through an acquaintance and became romantically involved with her, but they broke up in 2021, and during their three-year relationship, A became pregnant twice.

Particularly, according to a report by a media outlet on the 28th, A was controversial because she was from the same brothel as Mr. B, the manager of the brothel, who is on trial for racketeering and intimidation of the late Lee Sun-gyun. A was also investigated by the Incheon National Police Agency as one of the suspects in the Lee case for allegedly taking drugs. However, Mr. A did not work at the establishment in late 2018 and 2021, when he and Heo Woong were first introduced and dated.

Full press release from Keyplayer Agency below



This is Keyplayer Agency, Heo Woong's agency.

On March 27, Heo Woong, through his legal representative Kim Dong-hyung, filed a complaint against the perpetrators at the Gangnam Police Station in Seoul on charges of attempted extortion, blackmail, violation of the Act on the Punishment of Stalking Crimes, etc. and violation of the Act on the Control of Narcotic Drugs.

We would like to share Heo Woong's position as follows, so please refer to it in your reporting.

I sincerely apologize for the distress my actions have caused to the public and fans over the past few days. The allegations made by my opponent are untrue and I am actively cooperating with the investigative agencies in this regard.

I would like to let the investigation reveal the truth rather than respond to the other party's factual allegations one by one. I will not take any further position and will explain my position to the public when the investigation results are available.

Finally, we would like to apologize to the late Lee Sun-gyun, his bereaved family, the fans who loved him, and his agency, who were unnecessarily mentioned by us despite having nothing to do with this case.